Community Standards

Community Standards

Academic and professional integrity is important to Starweaver, our instructors and content partners, and our students and others using our platform. instructional community. Similarly, we regard the treatment of others in civil and respectful ways to be paramount to the Starweaver community, our brand and our obligations to society. 

Your commitment to integrity and civility shows respect for yourself, your peers, your instructors and everyone else involved who use our platform.

Community Standards

My using our services and platform you must follow the “Community Standards” to uphold Starweaver's commitment to integrity and civility, and yours:

  • Your participation online will comply with these Community Standards regarding integrity and civility. You will not be involved in harassment. Harassment means any objectionable conduct, comments or display by you that that is directed at one or our team members or any member of the Starweaver online community, including other students, our instructors, our teaching assistants and anyone else online (the “Starweaver Community.”        You will not make statements or comment in a way that is based on the race, creed, religion, color, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, disability, physical size or weight, age, nationality, and/or ancestry or place of origin of any member of the Starweaver Community. Examples of Harassment including:
    • Verbal abuse or threats;
    • Unwelcome remarks, jokes, innuendoes or taunting about a person's body, attire, age, marital status, ethnic or national origin, religion, sexuality, etc;
    • Displaying of pornographic, racist or other offensive or derogatory pictures, cartoons, text or printed matter of any type;
    • Practical jokes which cause awkwardness or embarrassment;
    • Unwelcome invitations or requests, whether indirect, explicit or intimidating, and
    • Bullying, which is broadly defined.
  • You will register for only one account. Your account is linked to your email address. If you register on our site with more than one email address, you are registering for more than one account. If you have already registered for two accounts, please contact us at the following address and we will help you consolidate these accounts so that you only use one account.
  • When submitting assignments, “homework,” quizzes, Challenges, exercises, exams, etc. the effort must be your own work (except for assignments that explicitly permit and/or recommend collaboration).
  • You may not engage in any other activities that will dishonestly improve your results or dishonestly improve or damage the results of others.
  • You will not be involved in plagiarism of any sort, including plagiarism of any content on the Starweaver platform, or the work of anyone else in the Starweaver Community. Plagiarism is when you copy or reproduce words, ideas, or any other materials from another source without giving credit to the original author. Plagiarism also includes the practice of employing or allowing another person to alter or revise your work, and then submitting the work as your own. Students may discuss assignments among themselves, or with an instructor or tutor‚ but all assignment submissions must be original works done independently by the student. Plagiarism is unacceptable in any academic environment, and is a serious violation of the Starweaver Community Standards.

No refunds will be given for subscriptions or other payments for access to the Starweaver platform that are withheld or revoked due to plagiarism. We understand our learners come from many different academic backgrounds and many are unfamiliar with our academic standard for plagiarism, and a violation of our policies may have been a one-time mistake. If your assignment has been found to have been plagiarized, you will receive an email notification detailing next steps.

Nothing in this policy shall restrict the applicability to you of any institutional policies established by our content partners in connection with their content (e.g., student codes of conduct); such policies shall supplement this policy and to the extent there is a conflict between such policies and this policy, as between you and our content partners, our content partner’s policies shall govern.

Flag plagiarism

To report plagiarism (copying materials from another source without giving credit):

  1. Contact us by sending an email to
  2. In that email identify who was involved in plagiarism, providing either their screen name or other identifying facts (including screen shots if possible).
  3. In the email identify what was plagiarized (including screen shots if possible)..

Report Community Standards violations

You can report Community Standards violations by contacting Starweaver support at


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